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English for PTA


November is a time of colds and flu. November also tends to be dull and damp. Add the dryness of heated rooms and the spread of bacteria and viruses is a certainty. One of the first sypmtoms of a cold is the pain in the throat.

Seite 1/1 3 Minuten

Seite 1/1 3 Minuten

Sore throat is also called pharyngitis. The throat includes the tonsils, oesophagus, larynx or voice box, epiglottis, vocal cords, and trachea or windpipe. All or any of these areas may be affected. There are various viral and bacterial causes of sore throat: the common cold, flu, mononucleosis or strep throat caused by the streptococcus pyogenes bacterium, which is the main bacterial cause of throat infections.

Pharmacy customer : Hallo.
PTA: Oh! Das klingt gar nicht gut!

Sorry, I don’t speak German.
No problem! How may I help you?

As you’ve noticed I’m very hoarse. Talking for any longer than five minutes is terrible.
I see, but before I can recommend any medication or remedies, I need to know about your symptoms, you know how long you’ve had them, if you have fever, that type of thing.

How long have you had the hoarseness?

Just about a day or so.
Do you have a temperature?

No, not really. Why?
Well, if you had a temperature higher than 38.3 °C, I’d recommend that you go to your doctor immediately. And there’s not a lump in your throat?

No, not that I’ve noticed.
What about earache or blood in your phlegm?

No, to both.
Do you have difficulty swallowing?

Just a little, but it’s more the hoarseness when I have to talk.
And you don’t have heartburn, you know acid reflux?

No, I have never had heartburn.
So, you are hoarse and I think that your may also be very dry throat.

Certainly. So, what can you give me to help?
Firstly, it’s important to get plenty of fluids. Herbal tea, such as sage is gentle and effective at alleviating the symptoms. We have medicinal sage tea here. It’s also a good idea to suck lozenges to increase saliva flow and help keep the throat moist.

Okay, I’ll try that. Is there anything else?
Yes, if your sore throat is accompanied by aches, it is a good idea to take an anti-inflammatory such as aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol. They will help with the pain accompanied by the sore throat.

Paracetamol, that’s what we call acetaminophen in the US, isn’t it?
Yes, it is. You might also consider using nasal spray. You see, the fact that your throat is dry would indicate that you are breathing through your mouth.

Now that you say it, yes, I am having problems with my nasal passages!
That’s why a decongestant will help. On the one hand it helps to free the blocked airways, and on the other hand it helps to prevent post nasal drip, which is a major cause of sore throats and coughs. Another remedy is to gargle with a salt and warm water solution a few times a day.

Okay! I’ll try all these to see if anything helps. Thank you.
You’re welcome, goodbye.

sore throat
sprea Verbreitung
pharyngitis Rachenentzündung
tonsils Mandeln
vocal cords Stimmbänder
mononucleosis Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber
strep throat Halsentzündung
hoarse heiser
remedies Heilmittel
hoarseness Heiserkeit
phlegm Schleim
heartburn Sodbrennen
sage Salbei
alleviating lindern
medicinal tea Arzneitee, Heiltee
lozenges Lutschtabletten
saliva flow Speichelfluss
anti-inflammatory Entzündungshemmer

Den Artikel finden Sie auch in Die PTA IN DER APOTHEKE 11/13 auf Seite 66.

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker
