English for PTA


Children have an uncanny ability to do exactly what they should not! Toddlers put everything that they can get their hands on into their mouths. This might be good for the learning process, but not always. Especially when they taste things such as cleaning solution.

Seite 1/1 4 Minuten

Seite 1/1 4 Minuten

Regardless of whether it is washing-up liquid or medication, inducing vomiting is inadvisable. There are several reasons, first and foremost is the fact that anything that foams may obstruct the upper breathing passages. Another is that stomach acid from vomiting may irritate the oesophagus, which may already be affected by the substance that was ingested. A third risk is inhaling the vomitus. In any case, any of the above-mentioned make it difficult for emergency services to effectively treat the patient. Distraught female pharmacy customer, carrying a small, crying child: Do you speak English? Please, you’ve got to help me!

PTA: I can speak English. What happened?
I only turned my back for a few seconds and before I knew what he was doing, I saw him drinking the washing-up liquid!

Did he drink a lot of it?
No, I don’t think so. It was a new bottle, and there wasn’t much missing

That’s good. Let’s see what we can do for him. What’s his name and how old is he?
His name is Andrew and he’s three and a half.

Hello Andrew, my name is Jenny and I’m going to help you. Okay?
Andrew: I want my Daddy! Darling, let the nice lady help you.

And if you are really brave, we can get you something out of the special toys and sweeties box. What do you think?
Andrew: Mommy, is that okay? Of course it is honey.

Andrew, I am going to call the poison information centre and then we decide what to do. Just a moment, please ... They told me to give you some special drops. The active ingredient is simeticone, which is an anti-frothing agent. They help to break down the foam caused by gas build-up in the stomach and intestines. Andrew we are going to help you to get rid of the bubbles in your tummy!
Thank you, you have been very calm and helpful.

You are welcome. It might be a good idea to note down this number, it is the emergency number in case of poisoning.
Thank you.

You might also remember the ABC of poisoning.
Which is?

Always store medicines and household chemicals safely, be prepared by knowing what to do, and call the telephone number of the poisons information centre, or your GP.
I’ll remember that. What about child-resistant packaging?

Aside from locking things away and keeping them out of reach of children, it’s good to have child-proof tops on bottles. “Child-resistant” only means that a child is slowed down but not stopped completely!
Good to know. Thanks again, bye, bye!

Good bye!

You can find this article at PTA IN DER APOTHEKE 08/18 on page 89.

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker

uncanny unheimlich
toddlers Kleinkinder
cleaning solution Reinigungslösung
washing-up liquid Spülmittel
inducing hervorrufen
vomiting Erbrechen
inadvisable nicht zu empfehlen
first and foremost zuallererst
foams schäumt
stomach acid Magensäure
irritate reizen
oesophagus Speiseröhre
ingested eingenommen
above-mentioned Obengenannte
distraught erzweifelt, aufgelöst
brave mutig
anti-frothing agent Entschäumer
intestines Eingeweide
tummy (ugs) Bauch, Bäuchlein
poisoning Vergiftung
child-proof kindersicher

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker
