English for PTA


Sleeping problems may be divided into primary and secondary sleep disorders. Primary sleep disorders range from sleep apnoea to chronic insomnia and restless leg syndrome. Secondary sleep disorders indicate an underlying health disorder.

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A good night’s sleep is more important than most of us think. Lack of sleep has been shown to negatively affect our general health. Chronic sleeplessness can cause a whole range of health problems, from obesity and depression to heart disorders. Our lifestyle also plays a role in the quality of our sleep: checking messages and mails in bed, a bedroom that is too warm, and drinking alcohol “to get to sleep”. Older adults are especially affected by restlessness and sleeplessness. Female customer: Good afternoon, I’ve just come from an appointment with my GP and she said that I may need some type of sedative. She wanted to prescribe sleeping tablets for me, but I don’t like the idea of taking anything like that. I never needed them when I was working and raising a family and, now that I’m retired, I don’t intend starting!

PTA: I see. So, would you like to try a herbal remedy?
Yes, I would. I said to my GP that I’d try that first and if it doesn’t work we could look at a mild sedative.

Could you tell me a little more about your problem? Before I recommend anything, I would need a few more details, and at the moment it’s nice and quiet, so we can talk.
I retired two years ago, and my husband and I moved here last year to be closer to our daughters and their families. We have been very lucky with our neighbours and the house is lovely, but I have been having problems recently with restlessness, and getting a good night’s sleep.

Did you have a check-up to make sure that there are no medical problems causing your unease?
Yes, my doctor did lots of tests to make sure it isn’t caused by a heart condition or hormones. We went through the results today and everything is normal.

It could be that thea upheaval of moving and getting used to your new environment has caught up with you now that you have settled in.
That’s what my GP said! What can you recommend?

We have a few phytopharmaceuticals which could help. There is lavender, passion flower, and St. John’s wort.
My sister takes St. John’s wort capsules when she has problems, but photosensitivity is a side effect, isn’t it?

Yes, but that’s mostly the case in long-term use. I think what might help you are these soft-capsules with lavender oil.
Oh, I do love lavender!

I’ll just check the patient information leaflet for you.
Are there any side effects?

A frequent problem is burping, and another one is allergic reactions.
I’ve never had any allergies. I think I’d like to try it.

Good! If you have any problems, please, feel free to contact us. Here’s a leaflet with our contact data. You might also check the internet for books or exercises for autogenic training.
That is a good idea!

I know it helped me when I was preparing for my exams to become a pharmacy technician.
Thank you, you have been very helpful and understanding.

You can find this article at PTA IN DER APOTHEKE 10/19 on page 92.

Catherine Croghan, Lecturer in English and native speaker

Restlessness Unruhe
sleep disorders Schlafstörungen
insomnia Schlaflosigkeit
underlying zugrundliegend
lack of sleep Schlafmangel
appointment Termin
prescribe verschreiben
herbal pflanzlich
remedy (hier) Arznei
unease Unruhe
upheaval Umbruch
getting used to sich gewöhnen
St. John’s wort Johanniskraut
Photosensitivity Lichtempfindlichkeit
patient information leaflet (PIL) Beipackzettel
burping Aufstoßen
pharmacy technicianPharmazeutisch-Technischer Assistent/in